Legal policy

Legal policy

This website has been produced by and for Shireburn Software Ltd and is the copyright of Shireburn Software Ltd © 2024. All rights are reserved.

Click here for the details about the data protection at Shireburn, Shireburn’s privacy policy and the general terms of service.

Shireburn is a trademark of Shireburn Software.

Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, IBM Notes, IBM Domino, the IBM and the IBM Business Partner logos are all registered trademarks of their respective parties.

Sophos and the Sophos Partner logo are registered trademarks of Sophos plc. MailMarshal, WebMarshal are all registered trademarks of the Trustwave Ltd. Microsoft, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Microsoft SQL are all trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed on this website however no guarantees are made regarding this accuracy or the suitability of the respective products and services for use by the reader.